
Home Groups

We love to explore God’s Word and enjoy fellowship together, so we meet in homes during the week for a time of Bible study and prayer. If you’d like to join a group, please just get in touch!


Little Rainbow Club

The Little Rainbow Club is for Parents and Children, from birth to five years old. We meet on Monday mornings, from 10am – 12noon.

If you’re new to the village, this is a great place for your wee ones to socialise and for you to meet other mums and dads. Enjoy music time, story time, crafts and snacks. There is a wide variety of toys to play with. Grannies and Grandas welcome, too!

Supper Service

On the last Sunday of every month, we meet in the church at 5pm for supper, praise and testimony. There is always plenty of food and you would be very welcome to come and join us.


Shelter is our popular youth club! It meets in the church hall during the school winter and spring terms on Thursday nights from 7 – 9pm.

There is great food, pool, table tennis, air hockey and video games, as well as fun group activities. We also have a short message from the Bible that’s relevant to the lives of young people.

For youngsters from P7 to S6.

Sunday Club

Open to all children from the age of three up to primary seven.

The Club meets on Sundays during term times as part of the morning worship service at 11am.

It is led by a team of committed church members who have a desire to teach children the in a lively interactive environment using games, crafts, challenges to reinforce the Bible lessons. Music and song play an integral part in our time together.

Safeguarding is a priority for all involved.

Regular Services of Worship

Lord’s Day
Morning Worship 11:00am

Evening Worship 6:00pm

Midweek Bible Study 7:00pm

Prayer Meeting 7:00pm

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